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Tracks: |
# |
Titel |
Dauer |
1. |
know your works |
0:20 |
0,2MB |
2. |
of waterfall |
4:55 |
6,8MB |
3. |
in the sky |
2:31 |
3,5MB |
4. |
Gonzalo |
6:42 |
8,4MB |
5. |
for the money |
0:24 |
0,6MB |
6. |
around this brand new age |
5:10 |
7,1MB |
7. |
hot nor cold |
5:15 |
7,4MB |
8. |
any of you spoken? |
3:51 |
5,4MB |
9. |
You |
7:40 |
10,5MB |
10. |
never ends |
3:16 |
4,5MB |
Gesamtlaufzeit |
40:04 |
by mad puppet and Newport Studio
recorded and mixed: at Newport Studio, Italy,
April-August 1991
cover design: Gabi Veit
Günter Falser: drums, percussion
Tom Pichler: bass, clarinet
Manni Kaufmann: keyboards
Christoph Senoner: guitars
Manfred Schweigkafler: vocals
Hans Tutzer: sax on (3-4, 6-8)
Ray S. Rasp: soul and voice 'waterfall'
know your works
I know your works
You're neither hot nor cold
Would that you were hot or cold
Suicide of waterfall
Dear director
You should remember me
I am the handicapped night porter
You saw go lame in this crumpled tail-coat
Down the Hotel foyer
I've got to write this letter
As you know in my disease
The chest is compressed more and more
It comes to panic outbreaks
Of heart liver and bile
A paleolitical pick nick
But I climbed the path
To the healing power
In the secret of the night
Nothing compares
To my overwhelming cascade
Thundering deep down the milled gorge
Waterfall symphony
Water falling miracle
As it were love at the first sight
As a spine cripple
It's so hard to reach
Such a miracle
But when I was vigorous
Went up through the Hotel gorge
When nobody could observe me
Until the dead line
I soon noticed it was too dark
I missed the rushing
So that I went to see
What the matter was
And there...
A mask of shattered nature
Naked as never before
Gapes a suicidal crack
A cascade in low water
Dear director
It really was a suicide
The foaming force ha poisoned itself
I know it was a suicide
Waterfall's dead body dictated following
In protest against the senseless
Exploitation of my thermal spring
Only one example of mankind's ruinous
Of its resources I - the foaming force - have
Poisoned myself which was no difficult matter
With the addition of all the waste
relentlessly polluting my water
Radium emanation - the real miracle of thespa
- is instantly destroyed
The inert gas radon develops its
radio-activity to a full degree and
undiminished Radiation damage remains in all
the pools
I relegate to you - crippled night porter -
the task of writing my last will and Testament
You crippled similarly are left to wonder
through space and time a horrifying Example to
To you I will reveal one last time the power
of my natural music
which all have failed to hear
Fire in the sky
Deep in the night, a moonlit night
On a bumpy way, hey
A man runs exhausted
He's got the news
Out of the blue
"Sky is in full blaze"
Quite knocked out, no voice to shout
His eye falls on a proud crowd
They are having a good time
They kick up the row
He's the only one to know
He's screaming but they don't hear
The man is shocked, tired to death
He didn't expect rocks ahead
"we'll have not the least chance!"
No one sees
No one agrees
He's screaming but they don't hear
Don't you see
Fire in the sky
Don't you see
There's a sheet of fire
Fire in the sky
There was a young man
He didn't agree to resignation
He trusted in a better world and in justice
(to the justice...)
Down in La Paz (why on earth "La Paz
"?) in the dark slums
Where life isn't life anymore
He conceived a comprehensive view
It was too easy for him to say: "there's
no way"
(Oh Gonzalo somehow I feel bad as if it were
my fault)
"No, there is a way, don't give a chance
to fatalism"
(I have to think... think of all the things...)
"We all can help each other and all
strangers can be brothers
I mean, we've got to reach out our hands".
You know
Down in La Paz a man was shut down 'cause he
believed in possibilities
"First world you're the last"
Your power builds on the past
A stolen future stocked
And the whole world has got to be rocked
In times of too much talking, when not enough
has been done
You went out. No talking! You got going!
(Oh Gonzalo somehow I feel bad, I remember
what you said:
"First world you're the last ..."
There are ways and ways of mastering life and
I don't mean we need more heroes
But anyhow I am deeply impressed by you stood
up for
what you believed in
"First world you're the last ...."
Waitin' for money
Waiting for money
Boy I am so cool
I'm gonna buy a swimming pool
It's really high emotion
I'm gonna buy the Atlantic Ocean
So welcome to the West!
All around this brand new age
Gnomes fall down from space to save the human
"Oh how exciting! Oh how exciting!"
Voices from outer space caught in old radios
"Oh how exciting! Oh how exciting!"
all around this brand new age
Come on let's fall in trance, We do the transi
"Let's raise a spirit! Let's raise a
So many broken spirits searching among the
"Oh how exciting! Oh how exciting!"
All around this brand new age
All around this brand new age ...
Neither hot nor cold
I know your words are neither hot nor could
Would that you where hot ore could
So 'cause you're luke-warm
And neither hot nor could
I'll spew you out of my mouth.
Spew you out. Out of my mouth
I say: Yeah, You say: No!
For you say
I have prospered, I am rich
And I need nothing more, and I need nothing
Not knowing that you are wretched
You're pitiable and poor
You are naked and blind
Therefore I counsel you to buy from me gold
Refined by fire that you may be rich
And white garments to cloth you
To keep she shame of your nakedness (from
being seen)
So much to say, but so hard to explain
Since you've become dull of hearing!
Therefore I counsel you to buy from me gold
Refined by fire that you may be rich
And salve to anoint your eyes
Anoint your eyes that you may see
So much to say
But so hard to explain
Since you've become
Dull of hearing!
For though by this time you ought
You ought to be teacher
But you need someone to teach
To teach you again the first words
I hear your tsch...
Always your aha
Have any of you spoken ?
There are hard times of deep emptiness
When only fears accompany my loneliness
A broken man, enmity around
Still ore the raven's going on to do his sound
I won't save myself no more
It's all over, I'm done for
It's too late, it's too late
What a pity! What a sudden awake
I thought I could avoid again deadly mistake
Life seemed so easy, I lived like a lord
It seemed to last long I felt free but I was
I won't save myself no more
It's all over, I'm done for
It's too late, it's too late
Have any of you spoken?
It seemed so to me
Is there nobody here to help me?
Not even one?
Lost on an island
In the middle of a sea
I'm drowning on a dry land
Can't you see?
When days are gone
I think back on the work I've done
Dissatisfied or proud
At the end of it all is you
You I know you're the truth
The light in the dark, the door I go through
You've just one thing to do: don't leave me in
the lurch
All I ever used to do
All that I ever used to say
I did it my way
Give adjustment to my thoughts
Adjustment to my words, correct my reactions
Take my hand, I need someone to go the right
Somebody wise, revitalize!
Give me a future, give me a future
take my hand
I need someone, don't leave me in the lurch
First of all I do need you, I need you to grow
I need you to get strong
I know I depend on you, I'm a nothing without
you, you are the master
Take my hand ....
I'm terrified to get lost, I'm in fear to lose
my life
Lost when you turn your face away
Because in all I do I simply need your
First off all I do need you ... don't leave me
in the lurch
Love never ends
If I speak in the tongues of men
And of angels
But have not love
I'm a noisy gong
If I have prophetic powers
But have not love
I am nothing
Love never ends
It doesn't insist on it's own way
Love never ends
(I mean real love)
It's patient and kind
Rejoices in the right
Love does never end
If I give away
All I have
But have not love
I gain nothing
If I understand
All mysteries
But have not love
I am nothing
I'm sure I say
Love is the way
To keep your sorrows and
Your fear away
It comes in your heart
I comes in your mind
Eternal feeling
And there is no more behind
Love never ends
Love never ends
(I mean real love
And do you really know
What love is?
What real love is?)
Love never ends
Love never ends |
Music & Cultur Club, 39100 Bozen,
Rentsch - Tel. +0039 0471 979442, Telefax 981852